Deconstructing Minimalism: 4 Must-Read Minimalist Blogs
Imagine a life of efficiency, optimization, and multi-functionality where nothing goes to waste.
Nothing. At. All.
Add to that, waking up at the crack of the dawn without the annoying alarm blaring because what does its existence even mean to you?
Plus, an empty cereal bowl may look like a normal cereal bowl to a non-minimalist; but to a minimalist, it is also a coffee cup. Their motto trumpets along the lines of :
If it doesn’t add value to your life, it doesn’t have any place in it either.
However, many may pique, “But what about material things that bring you joy?”
Well, minimalists get rid of that too. They live a life that lacks typical intelligence.
Other than this they must live with less than 55 items, cannot own material possessions in the likes of an extravagant car or a fairly large house, cannot listen to the gleeful chuckle of their children, and must have a blog to expedite their dreams and aspirations.
Hold on…. Let me pause right here with my exaggerated bluff-game.
Here’s the deal: The concept of Minimalism is quite interesting and easily misunderstood.
In fact, it is a catalyst that can help you achieve unfounded freedom. Freedom from your fears, freedom from the guilt and freedom from the trappings of the stereotypical consumer culture that’s long been engraved. Real badass freedom.
Here are four minimalist blogs you should be reading to declutter and welcome more simplicity in your lives:
1. The Minimalists:
Joshua and Ryan write about living a meaningful life and promote intentional living into their lifestyle.
They’re all about satire and humor where they talk about myriad topics ranging from desire, yearning, craving, and impulses.
Craver’s blog is all about standing tall with the vision of minimalism. Project 333 is an inspiring challenge where wearing just 33 items for 3 months will get back all the joy that you were missing while you were worrying yourself to death about what to wear.
This charming husband-wife duo profoundly celebrate the little joys of simple cooking by sharing recipes that would require no more than 10 ingredients. All the gluttons in the house ready to indulge in some merry-making?
Last but not the least, Colin Wright seems to get a lot of things right after going astray in his life during his younger days. In 2009, he got rid of everything he owned that wouldn’t fit into a carry-on bag. He had also professionally pivoted several times since making that change.
Being a sound advocate of intelligent investments in terms of time, energy and resources are the principles he lives by. Bounce on to his blog to breed more minimalistic inspiration!
A minimalist could decode into being different things for different people. In essence, it's all about living simply and enjoying your living days immensely.Have you thought about making a transition yet?