Why Embracing Mistakes is the Best Thing You Can Do for Your Career
We live in a world that often glorifies perfection and shuns mistakes.
And as a leader, I was conditioned to believe that a single misstep can be catastrophic to my career.
Even if you are not a leader, the fear of failure can be paralysing, preventing you from taking risks and chopping your growth.
But what if I told you that embracing mistakes could be the best thing you can do for your career?
In this article, I will share my personal journey of transforming fear into opportunity and how learning from mistakes has helped my growth as a leader (and most importantly as a person):
1. The Burden of Perfection
As a new leader, I was consumed by the pressure to be flawless in my decision-making.
I felt all the eyes in the world were on me and as a result, second-guessed every move— terrified of disappointing my team and superiors.
The weight of this fear suffocated my creativity and hindered my ability to lead with confidence.
2. A Paradigm Shift
But one pivotal moment changed my perspective entirely.
I received advice from a mentor who reminded me that the greatest leaders in history have made countless mistakes.
Now, by no means did I aim to be the “greatest”; I was happy doing an above-than-mediocre job.
Then, slowly and gradually — still hanging on the words of my mentor — I started making calculative mistakes that helped me become more resilient.
I started with low-impact-low-effort tasks and made them my playground for experimentation.
I began to realise that the path to growth was not paved with flawless performances but rather through a willingness to learn from missteps.
3. Embracing the Learning Journey
Armed with a new mindset, I began to view mistakes as invaluable learning opportunities.
I actively sought feedback from my team, acknowledging their expertise and leveraging their insights.
Instead of shying away from my errors, I faced them head-on, examining the root causes and seeking solutions.
This mindset shift allowed me to foster a culture of continuous improvement and innovation within my team.
4. Growth through Adaptability
The true test of leadership comes during times of change and adversity.
By embracing mistakes, I developed the adaptability needed to navigate challenging situations.
I recognized that failure is not an endpoint but a stepping stone to success.
Each setback presented an opportunity to recalibrate, innovate, and lead my team towards new heights.
5. Embracing Your Mistakes
To embrace mistakes, you must create an environment that encourages risk-taking and learning.
I began to foster a culture where my team members felt safe to share their failures, knowing they will be met with support and encouragement.
This seeped into Team Meetings where each person was encouraged to share one learning in the entire month, with no judgment or backlash from the rest of the team.
This also made the small wins valuable.
In fact, by normalizing the acceptance of errors (not blunders), you can empower your team to take calculated risks and push boundaries.
As leaders, our fear of failure can hold us back from achieving our true potential.
However, when you embrace mistakes as catalysts for growth, you unlock a world of possibilities.
By shifting your mindset and nurturing a culture that encourages learning from missteps, you create an environment where innovation thrives, resilience is cultivated, and true leadership emerges.
So, let go of the fear of perfection and embrace the power of mistakes.
Your career and personal growth will thank you for it.